Ability to modify Docked view properties via scripting
Keith Gamble
Currently you are able to open and close docked views, but if you wanted to change the height, or any other properties you are unable to. For instance if you created a view to show system alarms and populate them in a header you may want to make the docked view the height of 1 through N number of rows. Example requested here https://forum.inductiveautomation.com/t/change-perspective-dock-height-in-runtime/32070/2
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This was included as part of the 8.1.19 release. Documentation: https://docs.inductiveautomation.com/display/DOC81/system.perspective.alterDock
Michael Finch
My use for this is to use a column container as a dock, so I can wrap objects to a 2nd line when the screen is too narrow. This feature request would be even better if it could know which size (small, medium, large) of column container is being displayed
David Folkner
I can't believe this isn't a feature already. Docks should be able to take the full screen on mobile as this is a pretty standard design practice for mobile development.