It’s a lot of work when you have tags that you want to lock down to more complex security levels that don’t just link to individual roles. For example, a pump UDT might have tags OpenCMD and CloseCMD, and generically, you only want an Operator role to have write access. However, when you add an instance of this into the ‘WWTP’ area of a site, you only want, for example, either certain HMIs (i.e. IP addresses) or roles to have access to the pumps in this folder. In this instance, you have to manually go into each and every instance and override the security permissions for each relevant tag. Imagine you have 100 UDTs with 5 tags with write permissions, that’s a lot of tags to go through. It then also means that these UDT tag write permissions config are now unlinked from the UDT definition; any changes to the definition are now lost in the instance.
What I’ve seen in other SCADA platforms and also in OS’ is cascading security permissions, where you can define permissions at each level, and the resulting permission is a combination of all levels.
This would mean that you could add the area-based write permission to the WWTP folder, and that would then combine with the pump UDt instance’s Operator requirement.
IMO, this should be implemented exactly as an OS' file/folder security is implemented