Add Perspective analog for messages, confirmations, errors (system.gui)
Paul Mangels
It would be extremely helpful to have Perspective functions analogous to the Vision scripting functions for showing errors, getting confirmations, showing messages, and taking user inputs. Many functions would be useful, but these are the ones that come to mind in rough order of priority:
- system.gui.confirm()
- system.gui.inputBox(),[NumericKeypad/TouchscreenKeyboard] ()
- system.gui.[error/warning/message]Box()
These functions were extremely useful in Vision, and homebrewing equivalent versions with message handlers and custom scripting carry a lot of overhead.
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Diamond One
This would be very useful, I think of something like project update notifications. If there were push notification templates of this kind, for example.
Paul Griffith
Paul Mangels
Paul Griffith Have there been any updates on this feature request? It periodically comes up as something that would be nice to have for several projects we are working on.
Paul Griffith
Paul Mangels: This is something on our agenda, but we haven't yet figured out exactly how it will work, and other Perspective development work has so far taken priority.
Paul Griffith
under review
Paul Mangels
An additional reason to add this is that it would make migration of existing Vision projects to Perspective a lot easier if any significant user input workflows are in the Vision project.