Find Replace for selected tags/Objects Only
It would be nice to find/replace for objects that are currently selected. When you open find/replace it does the entire project which is nice in some cases, but in many situations it would be easier to find/replace based on tags/objects that are currently selected.
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Paul Griffith
The initial phase of this effort is available in 8.1.18; you can find/replace among your currently selected views, transaction groups, windows, templates, and named queries.
Jim Lang
Paul Griffith: ...but can you find/replace objects currently selected? Your answer and the link doesn't specifically address the original request.
Dustin VanKeuren
To add to the discussion, when I invoke Find/Replace while editing a screen I would expect the search to be limited to that screen. If invoked from the menu I would expect it to default to everything, or a common set of things.
Dustin VanKeuren: Or if you have components on a screen selected, to be limited to searching within those components
Carl Gould
Carl Gould: I'm very excite!
Robert Marshburn
As a newish user of Ignition but a 30 year HMI development veteran, this is one of the biggest deficiencies that exists when compared to other SCADA packages. This coupled with the inability to rename tags/folders without breaking links are my only real gripes. Otherwise, superb product and very flexible and powerful.
As it was mentioned so many times by other users, it would be so helpful to just perform a search and replace on just selected objects.
I have to say, to omit such a functionality would be an absolute deal breaker, would it come to a selection process for a SCADA system.
Any other system provides that functionality. Surely that can be accomplished within the Java framework of Ignition.
Will Rooney
A temporary solution that I use quite often (for Vision) is to copy/cut all of the objects and paste them into a text editor. From there you can find and replace different patterns (e.g., tag paths in bindings) then paste them back into the window. Just be careful with your search patterns as you don't want modify any positional, size or similar properties.
This would be a big deal faster development and quicker tag changes. Factory Talk SE you can select graphic and change the tags on the fly.
A combo keystroke to view all tags for the selected item(s) is easier then scrolling though the property editor
Cody Abbott
Yes! Ease of development is a BIG deal for a lot of (if not most) projects. This would make development much easier.
In FactoryTalk, you can select a group of components and hit CTRL-R, this brings up a list of all the tags that are bound to those components and you can search-replace within those tags. This makes building many copies of graphics pretty trivial. I will do things like assign tags for a grid of 100 graphics by making a 10x10 with X and Y as placeholders in the tags, then just use the CTRL-R function twenty times (ten for X and ten for Y) to assign the tags for all 100 graphics.
Cody Abbott: While most "feaures" in FT are less than impressive, this is one that is super useful and would be useful in Ignition as well
under review
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