I remember seeing a number of posts about being able to display something to the user while a query is running and collecting results. I'm running into the same problem now with the audit log, where I have a query that will
take a little while to run due to its nature. I want to show that it's actually running to the user, but I can't at the moment; they just sit there asking if something it actually happening or not.
My request is, is it possible to add a feature to be able to bind to the "status" of a binding on a property?
For example, a query binding might have a "fetching data" or "running" status or something and then an "idle" status once it's returned. A script transform would have the same.
If we had this, then we could bind the visibility of other components to this status to show something is actually happening.
Not sure if this is feasible technically.. but :crossed_fingers: