Intelligently Rename Tags
One of the biggest problems I've had in Ignition is the lack of ability to rename tags, popups, templates and the like because all links to them are broken. Could a smart rename feature be created that would automatically change all links to a tag when it is renamed, or at least point to all the locations it is used so the user could easily change them? Thank you
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Hugh McAtamney
I have created an external python tool to edit the JSON view files using an excel file (Offline). I then use an ignition script with this excel file that will handle Tag renames and moves. This allows for bulk tag restructuring. If anyone requires this functionality please feel free to reach out
Ryan Deardorff
If IA can't do this, I bet AI can...
Diamond One
It would be great to be able to have an unique identifier to match with, so that you can move tags between folders without breaking nothing.
Marco Barbieri
A Must Have!
Anton Šmerc
This is really one of the best ideas and it's been ignored for 5 years by IA...
sad... very sad...
Ziad Burjony
This would be really helpful, especially as we come to grips with perspective and using multiple views within views and trying to figure out the best folder structure.
Ben Wildes
Marked as ignored by IA
Ben Wildes: lol, probably way too hard
Ben Wildes
nick.minchin: They only swat the lowest hanging fruit these days, just look through the completed list of tasks and nearly every request is <10 upvotes and they are things like 'Acknowledge receipt of uploaded certification test', 'Question wording is misleading' and 'Assess spelled wrong in question'....
Becoming a bit of a joke now
Anthony Ho
And also fix the historical logging at the same time so we don't have to run the stored procedure every single time.
Ben Wildes
Is there ever a chance this could happen or is it a bridge too far now? Not being able to move or rename tags (realistically) is by far my biggest gripe with Ignition.
Tyson Bunker
This would be amazing!
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