Make perspective client detect lost connection to the gateway
in progress
Håkon Søhoel
When a perspective client loses the connection to a gateway due to a cable break or the gateway losing power, the client only detects the lost connection after approximately 2,5 minutes when the WebSocket times out. A crucial part of a redundant system is the ability to detect and react to an unexpected failure like a broken cable or a sudden power loss, in order to retain normal operation. There should be some sort of built in heartbeat functionality to detect an unintentional/unplanned fallout of a gateway in a few seconds rather than in a few minutes so a failover to the backup gateway can be triggered.
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Carl Gould
in progress
Abdullah Atay
Carl Gould would this websocket timeout error with clients on TVs freezing up, be related to this request?
If it is, could you please provide an update on this feature request?
Ideally, we would like to have the unattended client on a TV browser to re-establish a websocket connection to the gateway, as the gateway seems to be up all the time during the client-side websocket connection timeouts.